Boosting Self-Confidence

Boosting Self-Confidence

I’m about to get a bit personal & dive into a topic that so many people I know struggle with. Are you ready??

I’m about to get a bit personal & dive into a topic that so many people I know struggle with. Are you ready??

I’m about to get a bit personal & dive into a topic that so many people I know struggle with. Are you ready??

I’m about to get a bit personal & dive into a topic that so many people I know struggle with. Are you ready??

Hi there!

I’m about to get a bit personal & dive into a topic that so many people I know struggle with. Are you ready??

Self Confidence


We’ve all talked about it at some point & I can almost guarantee that each & every one of us has struggled with it at one point or another and guess what, that is completely normal!

I’d say for most of us, our confidence started lacking in our early teens. At least that’s when I started thinking differently & started being a bit too judgmental towards myself. That whole transition from child to teen can be rough! Oh, how I wish I could go back in time & give my 13-year-old self a big hug! While the teenage years are hard, adulthood can take a toll on your self-confidence even more. Yes, even as an adult I still struggle with self-confidence. After having my two boys, my body has gone through many changes. I know you all might not see these changes in my photos but I promise, that doesn’t mean they don’t exist. Quite honestly, I’m not 100% comfortable showing the stretch marks on my stomach BUT I have finally learned to accept that this might be a lifelong struggle & work on building myself up each & every day. So with all of that said, I thought I would share 5 ways to help boost your self-confidence that I’ve used over the years & am still using now. The good news though? They have helped in the past & are helping again now!

How to boost self confidence Help Self Confidence self confidence help

1.) Stop comparing yourself

The saying “comparison is the thief of joy” could not be more accurate. Trust me, I have struggled with the comparison game most of my life & it is one of the worst things you can do for yourself. While I’m not 100% cured (I still have my moments, I’m human), I try to accept those thoughts & then think about all of the wonderful things I have in my life. Even if it’s just the little things, there is at least one thing for you to be grateful for!

2.) Have “you” time

Before becoming a mom, this thought never even crossed my mind because I had plenty of time to pamper myself. Now, it’s a luxury if I can use the bathroom by myself! TMI? Probably but I’m basically an open book at this point. Seriously though, make time for yourself! No matter how busy you are, find time to pamper yourself a bit. Go get a manicure (or give yourself one if you’re on a budget!), just do something that makes you happy & makes you feel good about yourself. Once again, it can be a small thing or a big thing, it’s just so important to give yourself a little something. You are important & deserve it!

3.) Accept imperfection

NO ONE is perfect. I know we all scroll through social media, flip through magazines & see those “perfect” people on our televisions. Don’t be fooled though, those people are not always as they seem & I’m sure they deal with self-confidence just as much as the next person does. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve realized that accepting my flaws actually makes me feel so much happier about myself. Letting go of the things that you can’t change, will, in turn, change the way you think about yourself. Our imperfections make us unique & it’s about time we all start celebrating our imperfections!

4.) Get moving & get outside

Getting out & about can drastically change your mood. When we lived in NYC last year, it was freezing (I was literally miserable) & I didn’t even want to leave our apartment. Boy, was that a bad idea! Even just a walk around the block made me feel so much better & motivated me in every aspect of my life. A little fresh air & a bit of exercise can & will give you that little boost of endorphins you need to get through the day. So the next time you’re feeling down about yourself, get up, get out & get moving!

5.) Compliment yourself

Look yourself in the mirror & give yourself a compliment. This might feel incredibly awkward at first but I promise that even just one positive thought about yourself, can turn your whole mindset around. We all have something that we like about ourselves. Grab a piece of paper, write it down & put it on your fridge or mirror for a daily reminder. You’ll start viewing yourself very differently when you start being kind to yourself instead of tearing yourself down.

What do YOU do to help boost your self-confidence? I would love for you to comment below! Share any tips you have & keep the good vibes flowing!

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Sheridan Gregory