My Outfit: Shirt: Signorelli love this one – Pants: c/o Windsor – Sandals: c/o Sole Society – Bracelets: C. Wonder, C. Wonder, Michael Kors
I know, I know. You’re probably thinking.. “More photos from their trip!?”. But I just had so many cute ones that I couldn’t resist posting! I promise there will probably be only one more post with trip photos 🙂 Hope you’re not too annoyed! I do have some fun Summer outfits coming up though & some videos too, so stay tuned for those!! The photos above were taken in San Francisco at Golden Gate Park. That park is a dreeeeam! I swear we could have spent our whole trip there & not seen it all. It’s literally HUGE! & perfect for our fam since we love to be outdoors & exploring (especially Kannon). If you are planning a trip to SF definitely go cause you won’t be disappointed! A little side story from this day, we had parked & were waiting for Kannon to wake up from his nap when we heard a loud boom & felt our car shake.. Some old woman had driven by & hit our mirror! Best part of the story? She didn’t even stop! We literally had to chase her down & her response was “So? Is there damage?” Haha so ridiculous. We were dying at how grumpy she was when she was the one who hit us. No one was hurt though & our car just had some scratches. So all in all, no big deal. But if you hit someone’s car, please at least stop & make sure everything is alright!! 😉