

Varsity Jacket: Forever 21Striped Tee Shirt: NordstromSkirt: NordstromBlack Ribbed Beanie: NordstromFleece Lined Tights: ShopBopBlack Booties: Vivienne Westwood cheaper version Here
The colder weather in Utah had me dressing in layers & I absolutely loved it! Here in LA it’s still so warm that wearing sweaters/layers might make you break out in a sweat. Utah on the other hand, snowed this past weekend & it was beyond glorious. I’ve been wanting to wear this varsity jacket for about a month now & these booties were my latest splurge. I don’t splurge very often but when I do.. It’s on beauties like these! 🙂 On another note, make sure & subscribe to my YouTube channel so you can see my next video as soon as it goes up! (Hint: Sometime in the next 2 days :))
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Sheridan Gregory