Boy or Girl!?
We are beyond excited to welcome another little boy into our family! I’m so glad that we can finally announce the gender because it took us forever to confirm that this little one is a boy. We found out at our 12 week ultrasound that there was a 99% chance that he was a boy (we found out that early with Kannon as well!) but we always wait to confirm because of all of the stories I’ve heard where the baby ends up being a girl haha. Anyways, moving to NYC made it super difficult because I couldn’t find a doctor that would see me due to the fact that I was past my first trimester & trust me when I say that I tried all of the doctors surrounding us (a lot of tears were shed in that process & I was seriously debating just moving back home to LA.. Pregnancy hormones at their finest :)) We eventually found a doctor that would see me (God bless her!!) & about a week or so ago, we got two confirmations that he is definitely a boy!! I obviously haven’t had a girl before but I LOVE being a momma to a little boy & I can’t wait to have another little boy soon! Kannon is very excited to be a big brother & he already is so sweet about his baby brother. He’s named his baby brother “veggies” & if we refer to him as anything else, he gets very upset. Let’s all hope that he stays this sweet even after baby brother is born 😉
I’m so excited that I can finally start preparing for this little love to enter the world. Let the fun purchases begin!!!