Basic pieces (like this striped turtleneck & black coat) that I can mix & match will always be the most reached for pieces in my wardrobe. They’re not only great for days when you have “nothing to wear” but they’re perfect for day to day because they can be worn so many different ways.
One of my goals for this year is to utilize a lot of the pieces I have & show the many different ways that you can wear them. Because let’s be honest, most people aren’t going to be shopping every week & buying new clothes! That just isn’t realistic for most of us.
This turtleneck is by far one of the comfiest tops I own! Plus, I love the fact that when you buy a tee, they’ll plant a tree. I love brands that have a great purpose behind them!
Ankle Boots (old)
When I did a blog audit the other day, it was funny to see those everyday pieces I wear the most often get overlooked for the blog. I didn’t realise how much I probably ‘dressed up’ more than usual just to shoot blog outfits rather than the everyday stuff. This year I think I will share more of the everyday and repeat wear items as well. It’s not realistic to shop every week for new clothes as you say. Even if we wish we could!
xx Jenelle