Who’s ready for a weekly update?!
Life has been a little hectic lately. That is honestly putting it lightly too. I’ve pretty much been running around like a mad woman & let me tell you, it’s not pretty! Busy is good though & I’m beyond thankful for every opportunity that comes mine (& Adam’s) direction.
We’ve been shooting content nonstop lately because Adam is leaving on a production trip soon & will be gone for 10 days. I’m trying not to freak out over here but 10 days seems so long to me right now! We’ve been together for almost 9 years & I think the longest we’ve ever been apart is 1 week. So basically what I’m getting at is.. Send help! Kidding but seriously, we’re trying to prep posts & photos but our schedules have been nuts. Thankfully we both love creating content so we really can’t complain! It just requires a lot of time to find locations to shoot & actually create the images 🙂
I figured I would start doing little weekly updates for you guys again & sharing things about our life as well as some of the things I’m loving each week. I hope that you find these types of posts fun & interesting because I think this will be the easiest way to keep you all updated & also share my favorites. With that said, now onto my favorites for this week!
+ I can’t get enough of this hair mask. I’ve been using it 1-2x every week for the past 2 months & my hair feels incredible. The dry shampoo is really great too!
+ This CC Cream is a holy grail. I’ve been wearing this everyday & get so many questions about it. So for those of you who have asked on social media, now you know!
+ My new favorite pair of sneakers. I can’t stop wearing them!
+ I finally purchased a new one of these little guys. I’ve been using my last one for a lot longer than I even want to admit haha.
+ These skincare products are plant-based & I love how simple the whole routine is. (You can get 50% off with the code SHERIDAN if you’re interested) I’ve been using them for 5 weeks now & I really love the way they’ve made my skin feel.
+ I have a REALLY exciting series launching soon & I can’t wait to share it with you all! We’ve been getting asked to do this for years & I’m just really hoping you love it & find it helpful. Make sure you’re subscribed to my email list so you’ll be the first to know. All you have to do is scroll down to the bottom of this page & input your name & email!
I loved your update + favorite things! I can’t wait to see what your new series is! I’m subscribed! 😉