Go-To Summer Outfit

Go-To Summer Outfit

You guys know that my day to day outfit is usually jeans & a tee shirt, but if I could wear something else ever single day, it would be a jumpsuit. If you haven’t ever worn one, you are seriously missing out! They have become my go-to summer outfit! There is no need to stress about putting together different pices to create an outfit & unlike dresses, you don’t have to worry about any wardrobe mishaps because you have pants on. I will say though, that you using public restrooms in a jumpsuit can be a bit awkward considering you pretty much have to strip down naked haha BUT they are still so worth that tiny hassle 🙂

summer outfit ideas mom outfit ideas

I posted this red jumpsuit on my Instagram a few days ago & I received so many questions about it but sadly it’s sold out! So, I figured I should put together a post on some of the jumpsuits that I’m debating purchasing for this summer. Seriously, if you haven’t jumped on the jumpsuit bandwagon yet, take the plunge already!

how to wear a jumpsuit summer 2018 outfit

Now, please comment below with your favorite picks out of the selection below & help me decide which ones to purchase! Thank youuu!


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Sheridan Gregory