vegas is not neverland vegas is not neverland April 1, 2014 Shirt: c/o Express - Shoes: c/o La Soula - Glasses: Asos - Earrings: c/o The Janus Project at Cinema Con. I honestly…read more FASHION TRAVEL 650 975 April 1, 2014 May 14, 2015
my little love my little love February 19, 2014 Plaid Shirt: Zara - Superman Shirt: Zara - Leggings: N8 Okay, I literally couldn't help myself.. I just had to do a…read more FASHION 650 975 February 19, 2014 May 14, 2015
NERD NERD February 18, 2014 Sweaters: c/o N8 Shoes: c/o N8 a couple weeks ago (those of you who follow me on a Rafflecopter giveawayread more FASHION 650 433 February 18, 2014 May 14, 2015
sparkles & a giveaway sparkles & a giveaway January 31, 2014 Nordstrom - Sweater: Nordstrom - Shoes: c/o J.Crew - Necklace: c/o this necklace I'm wearing? Yeah, I know, it's absolutely fabulous. Want…read more FASHION 650 975 January 31, 2014 May 14, 2015